Show the snow where to go!

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Ford 8N

MFR: Ford
Model: 8N
Price: $2,800.00
Location: Astorville
Full Description

Ford 8N

2.0L 4 cyl. Gasoline

PTO 27.3 hp / Drawbar 23.1 hp

great condition


For more details call 705-752-2229



©2024 Groulx Equipment

RR#1, 244 Groulx Road
Astorville, ON P0H 1B0
[P] 705-752-2229 [F] 705-752-4832

826 Drive-In Road
Cache Bay, ON P0H 1G0
[P] 705-753-3282 [F] 705-753-3287
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